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Sensation 5L

To remove putrid odours from carpet and hard floors surfaces has always difficult due to the many thousands of odour types. ODABAN E is one of very few chemicals available that actually combines with un-pleasant odours to create a non-odour. The presence of a quaternary ammonium compound neutralises most of odour causing bacteria and leaves long lasting pleasant fragrance.

Odaban E is the solution to that putrid odour problem on your carpets or hard floor surfaces, despite there being thousands of odour types. Odaban E combines with the odours to create a non-odour and thanks to the presence of quaternary ammonium compound, it neutralises most of odour causing bacteria, leaving a long lasting pleasant fragrance.

  • Safe for use on wool fibres
  • Removes rotting food odours, pet urine and cigarette odours
  • Drains deodorised
  • Replace odours with a fresh spicy aroma
  • 5L container

Price Excluding GST:


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SKU OCHRC-208015A-A Categories , ,
SpecificationSensation 5L





Spicy Sweet

Specific Gravity;



6.00 โ€“ 7.00

Safety Data Sheet;

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